Finance Options
Land Home Package
A+ Homes has the ability to assist you in securing a FHA or VA mortgage for your new home. Up to 30 yr. fixed rate financing. Finance home, land, and all improvements with as little as 3.5 down.
Chattel Financing
This loan is a simple home-only purchase. This loan does not encumber one's land. Down payments will range from 5% to 35% depending on one's credit.
Land in Lieu
Use your land as a Down Payment. Many customers choose this option in lieu of investing cash as a down payment. In this situation the land is collateral for the mortgage. Appraised values of the land do have a bearing on the down payment.
Special Financing
No Credit? No problem! We offer Legacy, in-house financing. No Social Security number is also ok! We can work with ITIN numbers as well.
Some buyers may chose to purchase their home outright, and pay cash.
Your Bank
This option allows you to work with your local bank and secure your funds. A+ MHS, Inc. is more than happy to work with your local bank dealer.